Nyambaria High School 2024 KCSE Results: Performance Analysis and Grade Distribution 


Nyambaria High School has once again proven its academic excellence with remarkable results in the 2024 Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) examinations. With a total of 709 candidates sitting for the exam, the school achieved an impressive Mean Standard Score (M.S.S) of 9.1058, securing its place among the top-performing institutions in the country.

The school’s performance was marked by a significant number of students achieving direct university entry grades. Out of the 709 candidates, 677, representing a staggering 95.49%, scored grades of C+ and above, qualifying them for direct admission to Kenyan universities.

This exceptional feat underscores the institution’s commitment to nurturing academic excellence and preparing its students for higher education and future success.

A breakdown of the grades highlights the students’ achievements: 2 candidates attained a perfect A grade, while 49 scored A-. The majority of the students excelled with grades ranging from B+ (225 students) to B (290 students). Additionally, 75 candidates secured a B-, and 36 earned a C+.

Nyambaria High School 2024 KCSE Results: Performance Analysis and Grade Distribution 

Grade Number of Students
A 2
A- 49
B+ 225
B 290
B- 75
C+ 36
C 22
C- 9
D+ 1
D 0
D- 0
E 0
Entry 709
M.S.S 9.1058
Direct University Entry 677 (95.49%)

To God be the Glory!

Lower grades, including C (22), C-(9) and D+ (1),  were minimal, reflecting the high academic standards maintained at Nyambaria High School.

The school’s dedication to holistic education, coupled with the unwavering support of teachers, parents, and the community, has been instrumental in this success. The achievement resonates with the school’s motto, “To God Be the Glory,” acknowledging the role of faith and perseverance in their journey.

Nyambaria High School continues to serve as a beacon of excellence, inspiring students across the nation to aim higher. The results are a testament to the power of discipline, hard work, and visionary leadership. As the school celebrates this milestone, it sets the bar even higher for future cohorts to uphold its legacy of excellence.

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